The crystalline strings of mind

The crystalline strings Of mind The crystalline strings Of mind Along which silver Harmonies combine Play each solitary thought Note after shining note. You draw the musical scene So clear that each Color is seen. The end of the Concerto For Two Violins In D Minor ls...

Around the globe

Around the globe Teacher, friend, guide, 1978-85 Around the globe of pure light, They all come to chat In the deepest night. Wearing a smock of glowing white, An old man sat Around the globe of pure light. His face grows bright. He has found a new way to teach the...

In the dim light

In the dim light In the dim light, Holding the bottle to your lips, A new realm opens. The world grows velvet, Senses soften, congeal In a Universe of lullaby And starlit sheets. A world of infinite gentleness Like your bare chest rising And falling as you drift Into...

The world moves

The world moves The world moves in oneness. The distant clouds, the trees, The chaotic traffic, the sea, the breeze. The individual driving his vehicle Formerly known as I, the thoughts And sensations of this person, all Seen as one existence, no thou Or I but all as...

The sky

The sky The sky covers my eyes With white flares of zinc. All desires are dissolved In its trackless mind. The sky fills my brain With vast stretches Of sun-lit spaces, Clouds that float in silence With wistful thoughts, And stars that intuit In brilliant...

The gold-owl

The gold-owl The gold-owl flies On waves of light, On his wings he carries The fearful white. The great glimmering Silver skyline Fades in his fluttering Beyond space and time. He stares with stars And dreams with the moon. His great vision glares In the white-eyed...